Island Girl in the Big World

The Stress Test


After surviving my first few months in college living on my own I thought I had it all together, then reality set in. Not only was I beyond overwhelm with school work but it felt like every time I came home I had piles and piles of either laundry or dirty dishes. Who knew freedom would come with so much responsibility? It has been tough adapting but I think I got the hang of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve given up on life 4 times in the past two weeks (but I usually sleep it off) then get right back on my feet again.

Speaking of schoolwork I’ve been less then pleased with some of my grades. I’ve always been one to give school my all, I take each thing I do very serious and in some classes I’m not getting the results I want. Having always been phenomenal in English doing so poorly compared to my peers has really upset me. I know I must work harder but sometimes I just want to shut down. But on a positive not I’ve been doing exceptionally well in a class I didn’t think id succeed in. Government was a big challenge for me to take on but I decided to do it based on my interest in going to law school someday. I went and told myself that I was going to give it 100%. I study for hours for all the tests and take plenty of notes in class and surprisingly I am top in my class right now. Having got the highest grade on both tests we have taken I couldn’t be more pleased.

Although I may not be succeeding as I’d like in one class, I’m doing exceptionally well in another. It has all taught me that I shouldn’t give up. Even when I’m down about something, there is always a brighter side. While some days I feel overwhelmed with the huge responsibility of living alone, its all worth it to come home to an empty house filled with peace and quiet.

words: 343

2 thoughts on “The Stress Test

  1. I totally feel your pain! My stress level is through the roof, not only with school, but with tons of other things like upcoming events, and even looking for a job. i never realized how crummy it was living off a budget like a real college student… no more mommy or daddy!


  2. I know what you mean, sometimes I feel the same. Just remember there’s some things you shouldn’t let yourself get stressed about. If things are in the past like a bad grade then don’t worry about it, there’s nothing you can do now! Just focus on making the next grade better instead. Congratulations on doing so well in Government by the way, that has always been a tough subject for me as well.


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